Hemorrhoids or piles refer to swollen, dilated, engorged veins in and around the anus. In this condition, the veins around the anus or lower rectum become swollen and inflamed. Hemorrhoids can develop inside the rectum (internal hemorrhoids) or under the skin around the anus (external hemorrhoids).
External (outside) hemorrhoids form near the anus and are covered by sensitive skin. They are usually painless unless a blood clot (thrombosis) forms or they become very swollen. Thrombosed external hemorrhoids are blood clots that form in an outer hemorrhoid in the anal skin. If the clots are large, they can cause significant pain. A painful anal mass may appear suddenly and get worse during the first 48 hours. The pain generally lessens over the next few days.May notice bleeding if the skin on top opens.
Internal (inside) hemorrhoids form within the anus beneath the lining. Painless bleeding and protrusion during bowel movements are the most common symptoms. However, an internal hemorrhoid can cause severe pain if it is completely prolapsed. This means it has slid out of the anal opening and cannot be pushed back inside.
The veins around your anus tend to stretch under pressure and may bulge or swell. Hemorrhoids can develop from increased pressure in the lower rectum due to:
- Straining during bowel movements
- Sitting for long periods of time on the toilet
- Having chronic diarrhea or constipation
- Being obese
- Being pregnant
- Having anal intercourse
- Eating a low-fiber diet
- Regular heavy lifting
Signs and symptoms
Sign and symptoms of hemorrhoids usually depend on the type of hemorrhoid.
External hemorrhoids
These are under the skin around your anus. Signs and symptoms might include:
- Itching or irritation in your anal region
- Pain or discomfort
- Swelling around your anus
- Bleeding
Internal hemorrhoids
Internal hemorrhoids lie inside the rectum. Usually can’t see or feel them, and they rarely cause discomfort. But straining or irritation when passing stool can cause:
- Painless bleeding during bowel movements. Might notice small amounts of bright red blood on the toilet tissue or in the toilet.
- A hemorrhoid to push through the anal opening (prolapsed or protruding hemorrhoid), resulting in pain and irritation.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids
If blood pools in an external hemorrhoid and forms a clot (thrombus), it can result in:
- Severe pain
- Swelling
- Inflammation
- A hard lump near your anus
Grading of hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids can also be classified into grades, according to their severity.
- Grade 1: Hemorrhoids are small inflammations that are usually found inside the lining of the anus and are not visible.
- Grade 2: Hemorrhoids are larger than the grade 1 hemorrhoids, but they too remain inside the anus. These protrude outside the anus while passing stools and go back into the rectum after defecation.
- Grade 3: Hemorrhoids protrude during defecation and need to be manually pushed back inside the anus.
- Grade 4: hemorrhoids are a severe case. These cannot be pushed back inside and need immediate medical attention.
The doctor might be able to see external hemorrhoids. Diagnosing internal hemorrhoids might include examination of your anal canal and rectum.
- Digital examination: The doctor inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the rectum. He or she feels for anything unusual, such as growths.
- Visual inspection: Because internal hemorrhoids are often too soft to be felt during a rectal exam, the doctor might examine the lower portion of the colon and rectum with an anoscope, proctoscope or sigmoidoscope.
The doctor might want to examine your entire colon:
- Using colonoscopy
Homeopathic treatment
Homeopathy medicine for hemorrhoid is prescribed according to individual symptoms to treat the condition on a long-term basis. Homeopathy treatment for hemorrhoid involves a comprehensive treatment plan that works in harmony with the system. A single dose of the correct medicine can help relieve the symptoms and also treat piles to a large degree. By restoring the internal processes of the body, these medications help address the condition naturally and effectively. Invasive procedures like surgery can be held-off with the help of homeopathy. Homeopathy helps improve the efficacy of the natural substances in the medicines, which in turn thereby helping reduce the severity of the symptoms and treats the problem on a long-term basis.
Homeopathic medicines
Aloe Socotrina
Aloe socotrina is a medicine used to treat for external piles that are sore and tender. Sharp or burning pain in the rectum and a constant feeling of bearing down in the rectum may be felt. Application of a cold compress may help relieve the pain or burning sensation. This medicine is also used to treat anal fistulas.
Muriatic Acid
It is used to treat conditions of piles that are intensely painful, sore and protrude outside the anus. The hemorrhoids are very swollen and look bluish. The pain may get worse while passing stools. Stitching pain that gets worse on touch is present, and it gets better from warm-washing. This medicine is also used to treat cases where the soreness in the hemorrhoids worsens during menses in females.
Ratanhia Peruviana
It is used to treat piles where a burning sensation after defecation is present in the rectum. The person may have to strain to pass stool. Knife-like stitching pains in the anus or the feeling of a sharp splinter of glass in the rectum may be present.
Hamamelis Virginiana
It is used to treat piles with profuse bleeding. Weakness due to bleeding, soreness at the anus, hard stool and anal-itching are other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.
Collinsonia Canadensis
It is used to treat piles accompanied by constipation. The stool in such cases is lumpy, dry and is passed with a lot of strain. Other symptoms include aching and burning at the anus, a sensation of sharp sticks in the rectum, anal-itching and a constricted sensation in the anus.
Aesculus Hippocastanum
It is used to treat piles with sharp, shooting pains where the stools are knotty, dry and hard. This medicine is used to treat external, blind and bleeding piles.
Nux Vomica
It is used to treat blind piles where there is pronounced burning and itching around the anus. A constant desire to pass stools may be there, but constipation and passing of scanty stool is the main symptom.
Pulsatilla Nigricans
It is used to treat blind piles with a cutting, sticking or burning pain. The pain gets worse during lying down. Itching in piles and constipation with a backache and pressure in the rectum is another symptom.
Sepia Succus
It is used to treat piles that develop after the delivery of a child. It is also used in cases of constipation where the stools are very hard. It is also treating piles that develop during pregnancy in females. The piles may be bleeding or non-bleeding, and a protrusion of piles during stool occurs. Itching at the anus and rectum, constipation and the presence of hard and large stools also indicate the need for this medicine.
Kali Carb
It is used to treat piles in females that develop post childbirth. The piles are extremely tender to touch. There may be stitching, smarting, pricking and tingling sensation at the anus along with sharp pain. Constipation lasting for days along with hard stool, and white mucus after bleeding from piles may also be present.
It is used to treat piles and anal fistula. The piles tend to protrude during the passage of stool. The stool is hard and tends to recede into rectum several times during defecation. Burning in anus after passing hard stools, and a foul-smelling discharge of pus or serum from the anal fistula may also be present.
Merc Sol
It is used to treat piles in people suffering from diarrhea. There is an urge to pass stool, more frequently during the night. The stools in most cases smell sour and are undigested bits of food. Burning at the anus while passing stools, protrusion of piles during defecation, exhaustion, and chilliness with shivering and a feeling of nausea is also present.
Baryta Carb
It is used to treat piles which protrude during urination. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine include an urgent need to pass stools, and an itching, burning, soreness and shooting pain in piles.
It is used to treat piles that protrude during a cough or sneeze. In most cases, a stitching pain and a throbbing sensation in the piles is present. Piles in females during menopause are also treated with this medicine.
Ammonium Carb
It is used to treat piles that get worse during the menses in a female. The piles tend to bleed during menses, and the affected person feels better upon lying down.
Lycopodium Clavatum
It is used to treat piles in cases where there is a rectal prolapse. The piles may be swollen and painful, and the pain gets worse upon touching and sitting. Chronic constipation with a scanty stool, painful constriction at the anus and excessive flatulence and bloating in the abdomen may also be present.
It is used to treat internal piles where there is bleeding during stool. Excessive exhaustion, an urgent need to empty bowels and rectal tenesmus (desire to evacuate the bowels) are some other symptoms.
It is used to treat large, swollen piles that hinder the passage of stool from the anus. The person needs to pass stool by straining hard in a standing position. The piles are hard, painful and constant and get worse upon sitting, standing and walking. There may be a pressing and sticking pain in the anus along with a burning, stinging sensation.
Nitricum Acidum
It is used to treat piles and anal fissure when there are tearing pains in the anus while passing stools. The stool can be hard or soft but is passed with difficulty and may also bleed. There may be splinter-like pains in the anus.
It is used to treat piles when there is a soreness and tenderness at the anus along with a hard, knotty stool. Weakness after passing stool, excessive rectal pain, and a biting sensation at the anus that gets better upon lying down are some other symptoms that indicate the need for this medicine.
Sedum Acre
It is used to treat painful piles that feel worse after a few hours of passing stool. In a majority of cases, the pain is constricting. Sedum Acre is also useful for treatment of anal fissure with pain that worsens a few hours after passing stool.
It is used to treat painful piles that get worse during sitting. Cutting pains and swelling with cracks at the anus are present. The stool tends to be hard, knotty and scanty.
Carbo veg
There is flatulency with bloated sensation of stomach. Much more burping and the person feel relief after that. So much flatulency tendency that everything he/ she eats seems to convert in gas. There is heaviness of abdomen generally of upper abdomen.
There is constipation tendency with pain in empty stomach. There is headache feeling when the person is in empty stomach. Taking of food relieves the headache and stomach pain. The person is having a tendency of forgetfulness and low confidence. If those symptoms are present in a person anacardium is the suitable remedy.
Hemorrhoids characterized by sharp, stitching pains, shooting up the rectum.