Homeopathy Manjung
Homeopathy Medicine Manjung
Visit Malaysia’s Leading Homeopath in Manjung
Are you looking for an affordable, high quality homeopathy clinic? Look no further than Sofea Homeopathy Center! Our clinically experienced homeopaths are here to help you with whatever your homeopathy needs may be. We offer both traditional and digital consultations, so you can choose the method that’s best for you. Plus, our prices are unbeatable! So why wait? Call us today to book your appointment!
Homeopathy is undoubtedly one of the most effective forms of alternative medicine available today. It has been proven to be effective in treating a wide range of illnesses and concerns, including chronic pain, stress relief, and digestive problems. If you’re looking for a trusted source of healthcare, make sure to visit Malaysia’s leading homeopath in Manjung is S.H.C.
Disease List
Demam | fever |
Batuk | cough |
Selesema | coryza / flu |
Pneumonia | pneumonia |
Bronchitis | bronchitis |
asma | asthma |
demam campak | chicken pox |
batuk kokol | croup |
cirit birit | diarrhea |
muntah | vomiting |
telinga bernanah | ear infection |
sakit telinga | earache |
kawasaki | kawasaki |
meningitis | meningitis |
bengok | mumps |
ruam bayi | skin rash in babies |
ruam kanak-kanak | skin rash in children |
ruam lampin | diaper rash |
scarlet | scarlet fever |
sakit tekak | sore throat |
Batuk kokol | whooping cough |
tonsil | tonsilitis |
jangkitan salur kencing | urinary tract infection |
ekzema | eczema |
psoriasis | psoriasis |
penapis buah pinggang bocor | glomerulonephritis |
tantrum | tantrum |
Sindrom Kurang Daya Tumpuan & Hiperaktif | ADHD – attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
hiperaktif | Hyperactive |
autism | ASD – autistic spectrum disorder |
hemofilia | hemophilia |
Leukemia | leukemia |
Alahan | allergies |
Jerawat | Acne |
radang hempedu | Cholecystitis |
radang pankreas | pancreatitis |
alergi | allergies |
rinitis | rhinitis |
alzheimer | alzheimer |
kanser | cancer |
anoreksia | anorexia nervosa |
anxiety / keresahan / kecelaruan | anxiety |
radang apendiks | appendicitis |
radang sendi | arthritis |
ekzema | eczema |
hiperplasia prostat benign | benign prostate enlargement |
gangguan nafsu makan | binge eating |
gangguan bipolar | bipolar disorder |
ketumbuhan | tumor |
bronchiectasis | bronchiectasis |
bronkitis | bronchitis |
bulimia nervosa | bulimia |
bunion / hallux valgus | bunion |
kahak | catarrh / phlegm // mucus |
selulitis | cellulitis |
palsi serebrum | cerebral palsy |
infeksi paru paru | chest infection |
sakit dada | chest pain |
chlamydia | chlamydia |
lesu / tak bermaya | chronic fatigue syndrome |
penyakit paru paru tersumbat kronik | COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease |
sirosis | cirrhosis |
herpes SImplex Oral / mulut // kudis herpes | cold sore |
konjunktivitis | conjunctivitis |
sembelit | constipation |
batuk | cough |
Penyakit Crohn | crohn’s disease |
Fibrosis sista | cystic fibrosis |
cystitis | cystitis |
demensia/nyanyuk | dementia |
kemurungan | depression |
Kencing manis | diabetes |
Cirit-birit | diarrhea |
Sindrom Down | down’s syndrome |
disfagia | dysphagia |
dystonia | dystonia |
kandungan luar rahim | ectopic pregnancy |
endometriosis | endometriosis |
Mati pucuk (impotensi) | erectile dysfunction (impotence) |
epilepsi | epilepsy |
Bakteria Escherichia coli | e coli |
Demam sawan | febrile seizure |
fibroid | fibroids |
fibromialgia | fibromyalgia |
Keracunan makanan | food poisoning |
Jangkitan kuku kulat | fungal nail infection |
Sista ganglion | ganglion cyst |
Batu karang | gallstones |
Cirit-birit berjangkit | gastroenteritis |
Penyakit refulks gastroesofagus | GERD – gastroenteritis reflux disease |
Herpes kelamin | genital herpes |
Tanda penyakit kelamin | genital symptoms |
Ketuat alat kelamin | genital warts |
Gonorea | gonorrhea |
Gout | gout |
Penyakit gusi | gum disease |
Buasir luaran | hemorrhoids (piles) |
Penyakit tangan, kaki dan mulut | hand, foot and mouth diseases |
Selesema alahan | hay fever |
Kutu dan telur kutu | head lice and nits |
Sakit kepala | headaches |
Angin pasang | hiatus hernia |
Kolesterol tinggi | high cholesterol |
Hiperglikemia (gula darah tinggi) | hyperglycemia (high blood sugar)) |
Hiperhidrosis/peluh berlebihan | hyperhidrosis |
Hypoglycemia (gula darah rendah) | hypoglycemia ((low blood sugar) |
Kudis api | impetigo |
Ketakcernaan | indigestion |
Insomnia | insomnia |
Cagu | ingrown toenail |
Anemia kekurangan zat besi | iron deficiency anemia |
Sindrom Rengsa Usus (IBS) | irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) |
gatal-gatal | itching |
Jangkitan buah pinggang | kidney infection |
Batu karang | kidney Stones |
Labirinitis | labyrinthitis |
Intoleransi laktosa | lactose intolerance |
Radang pita suara | laryngitis |
Kekejangan kaki | leg cramps |
Lepuh biasa | lichen planus |
Kehilangan libido (pemacu seks) | loss of libido |
Lupus | lupus |
Penyakit lyme (kutu) | lyme disease |
Malaria | malaria |
Denggi | dengue |
kekurangan zat makanan | malnutrition |
menopaus | menopause |
jangkitan telinga tengah (otitis media) | middle ear infection(otitis media) |
migrain | migraine |
keguguran | miscarriage |
penyakit neuron motor | motor neurone disease |
ulser mulut | mouth ulcer |
penyakit meniere | meniere’s disease |
Miastenia gravis | myasthenia gravis |
Pendarahan hidung (epistaksis) | nosebleed (epitaxis) |
Obesiti | obesity |
Gangguan obsesif-kompulsif (OCD) | obsessive compulsive disorder ((OCD) |
apnea tidur obstruktif | obstructive sleep apnea |
Tulang rapuh | osteoporosis |
sariawan mulut | oral thrush |
Radang telinga luaran | otitis externa |
sista ovari | ovarian cyst |
gangguan panik | panic disorder |
penyakit Parkinson | parkinson’s disease |
penyakit radang pelvis | pelvic inflammatory disease |
neuropati periferal | peripheral neuropatahy |
gangguan personaliti | personality disorder |
Radang paru paru | pneumonia |
gangguan otot | polymyalgia rheumatica |
Gangguan tekanan pasca trauma PTSD | PTSD post traumatic stress disorder |
Kemurungan selepas bersalin | postnatal depression / postpartum |
Kehamilan dan bayi | pregnancy and baby |
Ulser tekanan | pressure ulcer |
psoriasis | psoriasis |
Keradangan sendi psoriasis | psoriasis arthritis |
psikosis | psychosis |
kutu kemaluan | pubic lice |
fenomena raynaud | raynaud’s phenomenon |
arthritis reaktif | reactive arthritis |
sindrom kaki resah | restless leg syndrome |
artritis reumatoid | rheumatoid arthritis |
kurap dan jangkitan kulat lain | ringworm and other fungal infections |
rosacea | rosacea |
kudis | scabies |
skizofrenia | schizophrenia |
Skoliosis | scoliosis |
kayap | shingles |
sesak nafas | shortness of breath |
resdung | sinusitis |
sakit tekak | sore throat |
ulser perut | stomach ulcer |
tekanan, kebimbangan dan mood yang rendah | stress, anxiety and low mood |
Angin ahmar/ strok | stroke |
bunuh diri | suicide |
kelenjar bengkak | swollen glands |
sifilis | syphilis |
ketulan testis dan bengkak | testicular lumps and swelling |
Cacing jarum / cacing benang | threadworms |
sariawan | thrush |
Telinga berdesing | tinnitus |
Radang tonsil | tonsillitis |
pereputan gigi | tooth decay |
sakit gigi | toothache |
Trigeminal Neuralgia (TGN) | trigeminal neuralgia |
batuk kering | tuberculosis (TB) |
diabetes jenis 1 | type 1 diabetes |
diabetes jenis 2 | type 2 diabetes |
jangkitan trichomonas | trichomonas infection |
mielitis melintang | transverse myelitis |
kolitis ulseratif | ulcerative colitis |
tiroid tidak aktif (hipotiroidisme) | underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) |
Kencing tak lawas | urinary incontinence |
jangkitan saluran kencing. (UTI) | urinary tract infection. (UTI) |
Gegata (gatal-gatal) | urticaria (hives) |
keputihan | vaginal discharge |
ekzema varikos | varicose eczema |
ulser kaki vena | venous leg ulcer |
Vertigo | vertigo |
muntah-muntah | vomiting |
Ketuat dan kutil | warts and verrucas |