Homeopathy for high level of cholesterol in blood

Cholesterol is a fatty substance naturally found in the blood. It helps rebuild the cells and serves as a vital component of steroid hormones and Vitamin D. However, when we eat fatty foods, we are ingesting more cholesterol than our bodies need. The result is an excessive build-up of fat in the arteries that can cause partial or full blockage of these vessels eventually leading to heart disease, heart attack, and even stroke. So, while cholesterol is essential for normal body functioning, it is even more important to keep the cholesterol levels within normal range.

Normal values of cholesterol

  • Less than 200 mg/dl: Desirable level that puts you at lower risk for coronary heart disease.
  • 200 to 239 mg/dl: Borderline high
  • 240 mg/dl and above: High blood cholesterol. A person with this level has more than twice the risk of coronary heart disease

Types of Cholesterol

There are three main types of cholesterol are:

  1. Low density lipoprotein (LDL)
  2. High density lipoprotein (HDL)
  3. Very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL)
  4. Triglycerides
  5. Low Density Lipoproteins (LDL)

It is known as the “bad cholesterol”. LDLs are produced by the liver and carry cholesterol and other lipids from the liver to different areas of the body, like muscles, tissues, organs, and the heart. It is very important to keep LDL levels low, because high levels of LDL indicate that there is much more cholesterol in the blood stream than necessary.

  • LDL levels less than 100 mg/dl (2.6 mmol/L) are considered optimal.
  • LDL levels between 100 – 129 mg/dl (2.6–3.34 mmol/l) are considered near or above optimal.
  • LDL levels between 130 – 159 mg/dl (3.36–4.13 mmol/l) are considered borderline high.
  • LDL levels between 160 – 189 mg/dl (4.14 – 4.90 mmol/l) are considered high.
  • LDL levels at or above 190 mg/dl (4.91 mmol/l) is considered very high.
  1. High Density Lipoproteins

It is considered the “good” cholesterol. HDL is produced by the liver to carry cholesterol and other lipids (fats) from tissues and organs back to the liver for recycling or degradation. High levels of HDL are a good indicator of a healthy heart, because less cholesterol is available in the blood to attach to blood vessels and cause plaque formation.

  • HDL level above more than 60 mg/dL (1.56 mmol/l) is considered high. A high HDL level is considered very healthy, since it has a protective role in guarding against heart disease.
  • An acceptable HDL range is between 40- 60 mg/dl (1.04–1.56 mmol/L).
  • An undesirable level of HDL is any level below 40 mg/dl (1.04 mmol/L). In this case, low HDL levels may help to contribute to heart disease.
  1. Very Low-Density Lipoproteins

These are lipoproteins that carry cholesterol from the liver to organs and tissues in the body. They are formed by a combination of cholesterol and triglycerides. VLDLs are heavier than low density lipoproteins, and are also associated with atherosclerosis and heart disease.

Normal value of VLDL 5-40 mg/dL.


High cholesterol has no symptoms. A blood test is the only way to detect high cholesterol.

Risk factors

Factors that may increase your risk of high cholesterol include:

  • An unhealthy diet: Eating too much saturated fat can cause high cholesterol. You will find this unhealthy fat in foods that come from animals. Beef, pork, veal, milk, eggs, butter, and cheese contain saturated fat.
  • Obesity: Having a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or greater puts you at risk of high cholesterol.
  • Large waist circumference: The risk increases if you are a man with a waist circumference of at least 40 inches (102 centimetres) or a woman with a waist circumference of at least 35 inches (89 centimetres).
  • Lack of exercise: Exercise helps boost your body’s HDL, or “good,” cholesterol while increasing the size of the particles that make up your LDL, or “bad,” cholesterol, which makes it less harmful.
  • Smoking: Cigarette smoking damages the walls of your blood vessels, making them likely to accumulate fatty deposits. Smoking may also lower your level of HDL, or “good,” cholesterol.
  • Diabetes: High blood sugar contributes to higher LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol. High blood sugar also damages the lining of your arteries.
  • Family history of early heart disease or stroke
  • Family history of a cholesterol-related condition


High cholesterol can cause a dangerous accumulation of cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis). These deposits (plaques) can reduce blood flow through your arteries, which can cause complications, such as:

  • Chest pain: If the arteries that supply your heart with blood (coronary arteries) are affected, you might have chest pain (angina) and other symptoms of coronary artery disease.
  • Heart attack: If plaques tear or rupture, a blood clot can form at the plaque-rupture site. It is blocking the flow of blood or breaking free and plugging an artery downstream. If blood flow to part of your heart stops, you’ll have a heart attack.
  • Stroke: Similar to a heart attack, a stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to part of the brain.


A blood test to check cholesterol levels called a lipid panel or lipid profile; typically reports:

  • Total cholesterol
  • LDL cholesterol
  • HDL cholesterol
  • Triglycerides: a type of fat in the blood

For the most accurate measurements, don’t eat or drink anything (other than water) for nine to 12 hours before the blood sample is taken.

Homeopathic management

The homeopathic goal is to lower high cholesterol to desired levels to prevent coronary heart disease. Diet modification is recommended. Homeopathic treatment can help reduce the LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol by helping the body to heal the underlying illness. When the organism is healthy and balanced, the liver stops producing high levels of LDL because there is no longer healing work to be done. High blood cholesterol is supposed to be a constitutional disease, so treatment also should be constitutional. Normal levels can be absolutely attained and maintained if Homeopathic treatment is started earlier. Unlike other systems of medicine, which are toxic in nature during continuous usage, drugs used in Homeopathy are safe, natural and without any side-effects. In Homeopathy, medicines are highly individualized to the patient and this will help lower LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, raise HDL cholesterol, inhibit the formation of plaque, lower high blood pressure, detoxify the body and also enhance your immunity system. Homeopathic remedies can help maintain cardiovascular function and a healthier circulatory system. People on multiple medications can safely take Homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic medicines

Allium Sativum

Allium Sativum is the natural medicine for high cholesterol levels. As this remedy is made from garlic, it is considered as the best natural medicine for cholesterol control as this helps in eliminating the excess cholesterol from the body by raising the vitality of the person. The high blood pressure due to cholesterol deposits in the arteries can also be wonderfully treated with the help of Allium Sativum. The patients in whom high cholesterol is the result of excessive eating of meat can benefit by this remedy. The patients requiring Allium Sativum usually have an increased appetite, especially a craving for meat. They also suffer from acidity symptoms like burning in stomach and acrid burping or belching.

Aurum Metallicum

Aurum Metallicum is prepared from gold and is very beneficial for patients with high cholesterol levels. It is of great help in those cases of high cholesterol where the arteries have become hardened due to cholesterol deposits and where high blood pressure is present. The patients requiring Aurum Metallicum have a rapid and irregular pulse with violent palpitations. The patient may complain of pain behind the sternum, especially at night. The mental symptoms presented by the patient that hold a significance in selecting this are a depressed feeling, getting angry over the slightest contradiction and thoughts of committing suicide.

Calcarea Carbonica

Calcarea Carbonica is the best natural remedy for reducing high cholesterol in fat or overweight patients. An unusual and excessive craving for boiled eggs is present in these patients. Excessive sensitiveness to cold air and continuous perspiration on scalp are symptoms that are always considered in patients of high cholesterol for using Calcarea Carbonica. This medicine is also of great help for patients who complain of tightness or oppression in chest or a feeling of suffocation that is intensified on going upstairs. Excessive palpitations may also be complained of at night or after having meals.

Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is the one of the best medicines for High Cholesterol patients who have an excessive craving for alcoholic drinks and fatty food. Mentally, such patients are very irritable and angry. They are also chronic sufferers of obstinate constipation.

Crataegus Oxyacantha

Crataegus Oxyacantha is a natural medicine that acts as a tonic for heart muscles that have become weakened due to reduced blood supply to heart as a result of deposits of cholesterol in the arteries. This medicine acts very efficiently in strengthening these weak muscles and regularising the heart’s action. Crataegus Oxyacantha ranks as the top medicine for dissolving the cholesterol deposits in arteries. The patients requiring this medicine complain of difficulty in breathing after even the slightest exertion.

Baryta Muriaticum

Baryta Muriaticum is the best natural medicine for elderly people who suffer from high cholesterol levels and where the arteries have become rigid with loss of normal elasticity. The systolic pressure is always on the higher side in these patients. Baryta Muriaticum is a very beneficial remedy where the cholesterol plaques have deposited in the arteries, leading to heart and brain affections. Heaviness and vertigo consequent to the reduced blood supply to brain can be tackled well with this medicine.

Strophanthus Hispidus

Strophanthus Hispidus is an excellent natural medicine for reducing the extreme effects of high cholesterol levels in blood. It is very efficient and safe remedy which can be used in old age to tone up the weak heart muscles. It also has the capacity to drain off the dropsical affections that have occurred from extreme effects on heart due to high cholesterol deposits. The heart affections that have resulted as a combined effect of tobacco smoking and high cholesterol levels also come under this medicine. The other symptoms that guide towards the use of Strophanthus Hispidus are excessive palpitations, cardiac pain and breathlessness.

Curcuma Longa

The common name of this remedy is turmeric, which is commonly used in our traditional food preparation. This remedy significantly reduces the LDL (low-density lipoprotein) level. This remedy has a great anti-atherosclerotic function, which means it has the ability to protect and prevent the arterial walls from hardening and narrowing.


It is a specific remedy for reducing high cholesterol levels.


It reduces cholesterol levels in blood also it eliminates digestive troubles resulting from overeating.


It is an effective remedy for high level of cholesterol in blood. It stops the degeneration of arterial walls.

Cardus marianus

It is an excellent remedy for lowering high level of cholesterol in blood. It corrects the fat metabolism in the liver.

Uranium nitricum

It treats high cholesterol with diabetes. There is great emaciation, debility and tendency to ascites and general dropsy. It is also effective for degeneration of the liver and high blood pressure.

Berberis vulgaris

It is a specific remedy for high cholesterol levels in blood with renal colic. The patient usually has a sedentary lifestyle and increased appetite.


Lycopodium is an excellent remedy for controlling cholesterol levels in blood. Lycopodium regulates the fat metabolism in liver. Lycopodium is prescribed when there is flatulence, patient prefer hot food and drinks. Lycopodium patient desires sweets.


Lecithin breaks down cholesterol and fat in blood, allowing them to be utilized effectively by cells.

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